
Centenary of the birth of Father Stanley Jaki OSB

To mark the centenary of Father Stanley Jaki’s birth on August 17, 1924, the Departments of Physics and Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, in collaboration with the Stanley Jaki Foundation, are pleased to announce the 2024 Stanley Jaki International Congress. This conference will be held on April 24, 2024, at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. This event follows our successful inaugural 2015 Stanley Jaki International Conference.

The Program Committee invites the submission of scholarly papers in the following areas:

  • The relationship between Christian faith and the natural sciences

  • The history of science, especially the contributions of medieval Christian culture

  • The relationship of physics, the philosophy of nature, and metaphysics

  • Christian perspectives on creation and evolution

  • Thomistic realism and its relationship with science

  • University courses that explore the intersection of faith and science

  • The Mind-Body question and Christian anthropology

  • The status of the theology of creation as a field within fundamental theology

  • Christology and Ecclesiology in relation to science

  • Other interdisciplinary topics related to faith and science

Accepted papers will be published in an edited volume. We are pleased to note that the proceedings of our 2015 Stanley Jaki Foundation International Congress were published by Gracewing and received acclaim in reviews for Theology and Science, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science and The Chesterton Review. There will also be a poster session for undergraduate students to present their work in the science and religion field.


November 6, 2023: Abstracts for papers/posters due (100-200 words)
November 13, 2023: Notification of acceptance of abstracts and invitation to submit a paper / poster
March 4, 2024: Completed papers due (3000-4000 words, Chicago Manual of Style 17th ed.)
March 25, 2024: Peer review feedback to authors with acceptance or rejection decision
March 29, 2024: Conference registration deadline
April 15, 2024: Revised, final papers due
April 24, 2024: Conference

For further information please see the Conference website.

7 April 2024 Fifteenth Anniversary of the Death of Fr Stanley Jaki

While on his way back home to the United States, Father Jaki passed away on 7 April 2009 in Madrid, Spain.
May he rest in peace!

Our prayers go with him!